

A project
with students from California Polytechnic University, Pomona/ The Rancho Cucamonga New Town Plan was initiated as a case study for future growth areas on the periphery of Los Angeles.

The 100 acre site lies along historic Sunset Boulevard and the San Gabriel Mountain are visible to the north.The planning study incorporated local climate, topography, vegetation, drainage patterns, existing and future transportation networks, public utilities, future residential and commercial growth in the region. Planning strategies were developed which would encourage community and civic interaction, mixed use zoning categories and densities, passive solar streetscapes and utility hook ups, as well as stimulate pedestrian activity within public open areas and streets. In the Master Planning guidelines zoning categories were intentionally mixed to encourage dynamic street activity. Medium density residential units were placed in proximity to retail commercial uses and public parks in order to encourage walking. In order to avoid sprawl beyond the parameters of the town land was deeded to a public parks system adjacent to the planned periphery.

The infrastructure was planned to stimulate civic life and the public sector by linking civic, educational, retail/commercial and residential uses encouraging pedestrian activity. A central public assembly, civic and commercial district was placed hierarchically along Sunset Boulevard and central to the surrounding neighborhoods. Public transit systems follow the course of Sunset Boulevard off of which walking distances are never more than ten minutes. Streets and blocks are laid out in order to visually and hierarchically link community uses and public open areas A future rail way station, passive solar energy plant, and local public transit system was incorporated into the Master Plan.